Why us?
We are an organisation that aims to grow steadily and sustainably and to meet the expectations of our customers and employees. Over the years, we have accumulated capital based on our staff, expertise and technical background, which allows us to build successful and lasting partnerships with our customers. A structured and process-oriented approach to production ensures the manufacture of products of the top quality.
How do we work - See the production process
A summary of our history
- rental of production area ( 1,000 m2 ),
- hiring the first employees,
- importing automatic lathes from the parent company - LOMA Drehteile GmbH & Co. KG
Transformation of LOMA Obróbka Metalu Sp. z o.o. into LOMA Polska Sp. z o.o. Sp.k.
Expansion of the machine park by further numerically controlled automatic lathes.
Entry into the Soleal Unternehmerkapital AG capital group and further development of the company.
Implementation of a Quality Management System according to ISO 9001:2015
More companies from the country and Europe are joining the client base.
Relocation of the head office and production to a new 2,400 m2 facility in Ruda Śląska and expansion of the machine park.
Downloadable files
Read the general terms and conditions of delivery and see our ISO 9001 quality certificate.